Afval- en milieuprojecten in Haut-Katanga en Lualaba, DRC
For innovative projects on waste management or environmental protection, led by civil society and/or impact businesses in the Haut-Katanga and Lualaba provinces.
What is it about?
The aim of this call for projects is to select between 6 and 10 innovative and dynamic projects led by civil society and/or impact businesses in two provinces of the DRC. These projects will focus on either waste management or environmental protection, in the provinces of Haut-Katanga and Lualaba.
This call is funded by contributions from various philanthropic funds, particularly the "New Generations DRC Fund", managed by the KBF,
More information can be found in the attached brochure (in French).
If you would like to apply, please contact Véronique Poverello Kasongo for the procedure to follow at