Business Partnership Facility - Enterprises for SDGs 2021B
The Business Partnership Facility (BPF) grants financial support to companies contributing to SDGs in developing countries.
What is it about?
The seventh BPF call for projects will be open for applications from October 2021 until mid-February 2022.
The selected projects of the sixth round will be announced before January 15th 2022.
The BPF is initiated and financed by the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD) to stimulate private sector involvement in achieving the SDGs in developing countries.
The BPF provides a non-refundable grant between €50,000 and €200,000 that represents maximum 50% of the total investment.
Check the BPF website for more information and examples of supported projects.
The BPF supports viable, entrepreneurial business initiatives with a strong social impact.
Each applicant is preferably a partnership that brings together actors from the private sector, civil society, academia and/or the public sector. The partnership consists of a minimum of one business partner.
Projects must take place in one of the developing countries on the list of BIO Invest. Partners can be Belgian, European or international legal entities.
BPF-funded projects must demonstrate their social impact and economic viability:Social/environmental impact, contributing to SDGs. For example:
- Creation and maintenance of decent jobs
- Improvement in average income for low income families
- Accessibility to affordable goods and service
- Inclusion and economic development of women and young people
- Positive impact on the environment through saving resources, reducing emissions and/or preserving biodiversity
- ...
Economic viability
Applicant must clearly demonstrate the submitted projects/initiatives are:
- able to become self-sustainable
- scalable
- replicable