Togo Debout
Drinkwatervoorziening in dispensarium/kraamkliniek Saint-Etienne, in Assomé, Togo / Approvisionnement en eau potable pour le dispensaire et la maternité Saint-Étienne d'Assomé, Togo
To provide water through a borehole to ensure hygiene and meet the needs of the patients of the maternity ward, the primary health center and the local population.
€ 14,241The Saint-Etienne dispensary was built in 2000 in the village of Assomé in Togo. This health center does not have drinking water to ensure adequate care for patients, particularly pregnant women and children. This project proposes to build an 80-meter deep borehole to serve the needs of the maternity patients, the Saint-Etienne Primary Health Unit and the surrounding population.