Nike Community Impact Fund The Netherlands 2024
Financial support for organizations in Amsterdam, Amersfoort, Hilversum and Utrecht with the aim of helping the underprivileged communities to become more physically active.
What is it about?
Create stronger communities in the Netherlands through the power of sport
If your organization delivers projects in Amsterdam, Amersfoort, Hilversum or Utrecht with the aim of helping the marginalized communities to become more physically active, you may be eligible to apply for a grant of up to €20,000.
Today’s physical inactivity disproportionately impacts those in the most underserved and underrepresented communities. People from marginalized backgrounds – as well as girls and kids with different abilities — face even more challenges to participating in play and sport and have fewer opportunities to do so.
However, we know that sport and physical activity have a positive impact on social inclusion, health and contribute to individuals’ self -confidence and social skills. That’s why тhe Nike Community Impact Fund (NCIF) provides financial support to local programs and grassroots organizations that promote active and inclusive communities in the Netherlands.
If you have a project that delivers sports, play and physical activity, to the most vulnerable groups in the communities of Amsterdam, Utrecht, Hilversum and Amersfoort, send us your application!
Financial support
Selected projects can receive financial support ranging from a minimum of €5,000 to a maximum of €20,000. A total budget of €125.000 is available.
Nike employees participate in specialized training to assess grant applications, as well as leverage their local expertise.