Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek PET brain imaging 2024 Health Project related to novel PET brain imaging for studies of patients with Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia... Support € 49,958 As part of Bonmariage de Bouyalski (Fund ) Support to research into Lewy bodies dementia (LBD) Read more Have also benefited from support Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek Meerwaarde nieuwe PET-hersenbeeldvorming van synaptische dichtheid voor diagnose dementie / Valeur ajoutée d’une imagerie cérébrale TEP de la densité synaptique pour diagnostiquer la démence Support granted to Koen Van Laere - KU LeuvenAdded value of synaptic density PET brain imaging to the diagnose dementia and dementia of Lewy Body. Read more Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek Unravelling cell-type specific vulnerability pathways in response to pathogenic tau and a-synuclein Support to the research project : Unravelling cell-type specific vulnerability pathways in response to pathogenic tau and a-synuclein Read more Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek Verfijnen van diagnose ziekte van Alzheimer (AD) en dementie met Lewy bodies (DLB) / Affiner le diagnostic de la maladie d'Alzheimer et de la démence avec les corps de Lewy This project aims to investigate the added value of a novel PET brain imaging tool of synapticdensity (concentration of signal transmission sites) in patients with Alzheimer's di… Read more Stay informed about new grantees Subscribe for e-news
Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek Meerwaarde nieuwe PET-hersenbeeldvorming van synaptische dichtheid voor diagnose dementie / Valeur ajoutée d’une imagerie cérébrale TEP de la densité synaptique pour diagnostiquer la démence Support granted to Koen Van Laere - KU LeuvenAdded value of synaptic density PET brain imaging to the diagnose dementia and dementia of Lewy Body. Read more
Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek Unravelling cell-type specific vulnerability pathways in response to pathogenic tau and a-synuclein Support to the research project : Unravelling cell-type specific vulnerability pathways in response to pathogenic tau and a-synuclein Read more
Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek Verfijnen van diagnose ziekte van Alzheimer (AD) en dementie met Lewy bodies (DLB) / Affiner le diagnostic de la maladie d'Alzheimer et de la démence avec les corps de Lewy This project aims to investigate the added value of a novel PET brain imaging tool of synapticdensity (concentration of signal transmission sites) in patients with Alzheimer's di… Read more