Rewarding RRI - A case study collection of the European Foundations Award for Responsible Research & Innovation 2016
15 inspiring practices that actively incorporate methods to align research with the needs of society and contribute towards the development of a smart, inclusive and sustainable society.
What is it about?
The European Foundations Award for Responsible Research & Innovation (EFARRI) surveys, articulates and disseminates inspiring practices of responsible research and Innovation (RRI), resulting in a broad and lasting impact of RRI across Europe and beyond. The award intrinsically stimulates researchers to reflect on their work in terms of RRI. Up to now it is the only large financial incentive for RRI uptake in research.
This report accounts for the aim of the award and explains the procedure that resulted in the selection of 15 finalists out of over 200 applications that were received for the first version of the EFARRI award. All nominees are described in detail, focusing on their unique approach to tackle a societal challenge by implementing RRI in their daily research practices. They set an example for RRI because of their original and deeply embedded approaches to anticipate potential implications and societal expectations with regard to research and innovation in their projects.