If you like to wander into our rich past, this summer you can visit exhibitions, monuments and nature reserves all over Belgium, preserved with the support of the KBS. Ten tips for a blissful summer.
1. Get to know the real Belgium at BELvue
A museum as varied as the country. Discover the BELvue Museum in Brussels, managed by the KBF, which shows young and old the past and present of Belgium in an original way.
BELvue Museum: Entrance: 10 euro..
2. (Re)discover Christian Dotremont
Brussels honours artist Christian Dotremont twice. Bibliotheca Wittockiana is holding an exhibition "Christian Dotremont. Travels/Landscapes: an exhibition of photographs by Georges A. Bertrand". In the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, there is the exhibion 'Christian Dotremont. Painter-poet'.
Wittockiana: Entrance: 5 euro.
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium: Entrance: 15 euros.
3. Daydream in the gardens of the Castle of Freÿr
If this castle can tempt kings to come and visit, you certainly won’t be able to stay away. The castle and gardens are preserved with support from the Laubespin-Lagarde Fund.
Freÿr: Entry: 9 euros. (Book online)
4. Seek out the prettiest Pozzo tiles
The Gilliot & Roelants Tile Museum in Hemiksem is showing ceramic tiles from the interbellum period, with exhibits from the famous collection donated to the KBF by Roberto Pozzo.
Gilliotte tile museum: Free entrance.
5. Get a great view of the city of Antwerp
A witness to Antwerp in the 17th century: the Heritage Fund has donated ‘The arrival in Sint-Anneke, with a view of Antwerp’ by Hendrik van Minderhout and Jan Hemont on loan to the Vleeshuis Museum.
Vleeshuis Museum: Entrance: 8 euro.
6. Count the sheep on the island of Bohan
Every summer Red Ardennais sheep can be seen grazing on the island of Bohan, which is owned by the KBF and surrounded by the river Semois. This approach allows ecological management of the island, while restoring it to its former appearance as grassland.
Come and see them at Vresse-sur-Semoisuntil the end of October.
7. Find out more about the life of King Baudouin
This exhibition uses photographs, archive documents and objects to discover what ‘being King’ meant for King Baudouin.
Royal Palace: Free from 23 July at the Royal Palace (bookings via the Royal Palace website)
8. Spot the creatures in a ‘monster’ tapestry exhibition
Lions, falcons, herons and dragons: the MOU in Oudenaarde is holding an exhibition of 15th to 17th century tapestries from the region, featuring both real and mythical animals. Three of these tapestries are from the Heritage Fund.
MOU: Entrance: 10 euro.
9. Get carried away with abstract art from the Neirynck collection
The FeliXart Museum in Drogenbos is showing the collection of abstract art donated to the KBF by Thomas Neirynck in its exhibition entitled ‘From private to public.'
FeliXart: Entrance: 10 euro.
10. Revel in the glories of the 16th century at Gedinne
A retable, six wooden sculptures and monumental Stations of the Cross, all dating from the 16th century and located in the chapel of Our Lady of the Nativity at Gedinne, have been restored with support from the Barbazon Fund. It is worth the drive to see them in real life!
Notre-Dame de la Nativité: Free of charge