ZOOM: The Tubbe Model, an inspiration for our care homes
How to live better in our care homes. The Swedish Tubbe model of co-management is currently used in 80 care homes in Belgium. Basic principles, process, initial evaluation.

What is it about?
What kind of life should we offer to vulnerable people in Belgium? This has been a topical question for a long time, but the Covid-19 health crisis has pushed it to the top of the agenda. Inspirational models are therefore welcome. And they are not lacking.
In this ZOOM, we should like to present one of them: the Tubbe organizational model, used in the Tubberödshus care home on the Swedish island of Tjörn and, since 2020, in some eighty care homes in Belgium.
Tubbe aims to make care homes attractive places, where it is pleasant to both live and work, and where care is based on relationships and the active participation of everyone. Tubbe does not rely on ready-made formulae, but rather on personalised support that is developed progressively on the ground and adapted in function of each organization.