Brussels Airport Fund
Support for sustainability projects from local communities that aim to strengthen the connection between the residents and their surroundings.
What is it about?
This call is closed.
The new call will be launched in May 2025
The Brussels Airport Fund was established with the aim of supporting social and sustainable projects in Belgium, and, more particularly, in the general vicinity of Brussels Airport.
With this second call for proposals the Fund wants to encourage local initiatives that benefit people and their environment. This year, the Fund is again concentrating on sustainability projects from local communities that aim to strengthen the connection between the residents and their surroundings.
Projects should answer to the following criteria:
- stimulate collaboration and contacts between (groups) of residents and connecting people to their surroundings;
- focus on one or more of the following themes: nature and environment, energy, mobility;
- they should be carried out within one of the following municipalities: 1000-1020-1120-1130 Brussels, 1140 Evere, 1850-1851-1852-1853 Grimbergen, 3150 Haacht, 3020 Herent, 1910 Kampenhout, 3070-3071-3078 Kortenberg, 1950 Kraainem, 3000-3001-3010-3012-3018 Leuven, 1830-1931 Machelen, 3110-3111-3118 Rotselaar, 1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe, 1820 Steenokkerzeel, 1800 Vilvoorde, 1970 Wezembeek-Oppem, 1930-1932-1933 Zaventem;
- have specific objectives and a clear plan of approach;
- aim towards permanent results and can be scaled up, if appropriate.
Examples: care farms, communal vegetable gardens, cycling initiatives for socially vulnerable groups, recreational woods, outdoor community meeting areas or playgrounds, etc.
A project can last for between 12 and 18 months, according to the nature and size of the project.
Projects that are merely concerned with developing the normal operation of an organisation are not eligible. Example: support for the day-to-day/normal operation of a sports club or youth movement is not eligible unless these organisations develop a specific sustainability project meeting the criteria above.
An organisation can apply for project support between €1,000 and €10,000. All costs are eligible as long as they are linked to a project. Any funding proposal must include a clear financial plan.