Circular jobs in Belgium - A baseline analysis of employment in the circular economy in Belgium
19 09 2019
A first iteration of a monitor for employment in the circular economy in Belgium

What is it about?
From shoemaker to wind energy park engineer: 7,5% of all jobs in Belgium are circular. This report presents a baseline measurement on employment in the Belgian circular economy and provides insight into the nature and amount of jobs in the country’s circular economy. This includes all jobs contributing to the circular economy through activities in renewable energy, repair and maintenance, recycling, digital technology, design, new business models and collaboration. A monitoring practice of the employment effects of the circular economy will discern what exact employment opportunities the circular economy offers, how these are distributed across society and how we can equip the workforce with the right skills to meet the changing demand. This report, conducted by King Baudouin Foundation and the Dutch social enterprise Circle Economy, aims to inform governments, employers, social partners and other representatives to pursue effective and inclusive circular labour policy.It complements an online monitor, which can be accessed via the link underneath.
Joke Dufourmont
Circle Economy
Circle Economy
Hatty Cooper
Marijana Novak
Josefine Köhler
Robin Dierckx