Social and circular business strategies work!
Final report of the Circular Work(s)' learning network (2020-2023) commissioned by the King Baudouin Foundation

What is it about?
In 2020, Circular Flanders and the Department of Work and Social Economy (WSE) joined forces to accelerate social circular entrepreneurship in Flanders. Both organisations had picked up on signals that social and circular economy can potentially reinforce each other. To realise this, there was a need for connectors to bridge the gap between different actors who were not really aware of each other. This was the genesis of the idea of a social-circular hub.
Specifically, the Department of WSE and Circular Flanders supported 12 social-circular hubs across Flanders, with the objective of giving the circular and social transition more clout. Through the hubs, they introduce bridge builders who spot opportunities, bring the right people around the table and transform an idea into action.
To get the most out of the results of the social-circular hubs, the King Baudouin Foundation undertook to set up a learning network among the hubs. For the past three years, this learning network has been organised by Möbius, which has provided individual and collective guidance to the hubs. This allowed them to learn from and inspire each other.
You can read all about it in this final report.
The report is also available in Dutch. To read or download it, switch to the Dutch version of this page.