Local Initiatives

Strong local connections form the basis for a caring society.

There are so many local initiatives in which the warm generosity of people helps build close and genuine connections. They are the glue that binds a strong society and the best remedy against polarisation.

As a Foundation, we wish to reach out to, support and bring together these projects, their initiators and their participants in all corners of our country. That way, we can breathe life into this crucial social fabric, bolstered by in-depth insight into what it is that people truly need. In doing so, we ensure that not a single citizen is overlooked, because at the local level too, every individual matters.

Local in brief

  • The local reflex: where relevant, we transpose a programme or project to the local level.
  • Build and strengthen a network of satellites to encourage the development of local funds.

Local initiatives is part of the programme Local

Calls for projects

2025A - Schools Solidarity Accounts

Fundraising to enable schools to financially intervene on behalf of children from underprivileged families and improve their chances of successfully completing their school year.

Soon to be closed!

2025A - Project Accounts - King Baudouin Foundation

The Foundation helps collect funds for innovative projects which serve the general interest. The Belgian donations for project accounts are tax deductable.

Soon to be closed!

Brussels Leaders Fund - Call for applications for change-makers in Brussels!

Encouraging Brussels residents to develop their leadership skills and to initiate projects that improve the quality of life in their neighborhood.

Selection announced


Het Ringgenootschap

Projectwerking Ringland / Opération Ringland

Support for the project Ringland on the study and promotion of mobility and structural planning in and around Antwerp with respect for quality of life and health.

Partnerships, missions, specific initiatives

Vis mon village

Concrete projects with a local participatory dynamic that improve the quality of life in the village and promote contacts and solidarity between diverse groups of citizens.

Vis mon village

Concrete projects with a local participatory dynamic that improve the quality of life in the village and promote contacts and solidarity between diverse groups of citizens.

Funds and philanthropic tools

Louise Connet and Benny Keutgen Children's Fund - "Louise in Ré" sponsorship award

Supporting young children, children with disabilities, refugee children, orphans and half-orphans with music and music-related activities.

Co-Labs (Fonds Vrienden van)

Philanthropists support projects of the non-profit organisation Co-Labs which aims to facilitate citizen initiatives and projects for a sustainable transition with maximum impact…

Press Releases

Solidarity with flood victims

29 07 2021

After the floods in 2021, the King Baudouin Foundation is pleased to contribute its resources, know-how and networks to strengthen citizens' solidarity with their fellow citizens…

Cycling for everyone! - The Bikes in Brussels Fund has awarded almost 600,000 euros to eight new projects

26 07 2021


Gasol Foundation tackles child obesity in disadvantaged neighbourhood of Barcelona

Local Initiatives

“We consider a child’s family and broader relational context, rather than focusing narrowly on nutrition only.”
Cristina Ribes
Safalín project director

Community garden as a meeting place

Local Initiatives

“I believe we have already made great strides in this direction and have turned an underused, 400-m² site into a green jewel.”
David Reuter
Head of FRI-X-BERG youth art school

Raised beds in a cemetery

Local Initiatives

"The children and even young people are incredibly proud of themselves when they see how their plants have grown.”
Luciana Saalbach
Head of Prinzessinnengarten project in Berlin