Quality of care

Investing in the quality of care for people living at home or in a care home.

Ensuring quality of care lies at the heart of an effective healthcare system. The King Baudouin Foundation is committed to contribute to such a system, not just for those living in their own home but also for people living in a care home. Thanks to the considerable means made available by the Dr. Daniël De Coninck Fund, we are able to invest in primary care as well as in the quality of life for people requiring support and care at home.

Our activities

  • support for research and expanding knowledge on primary care
  • encouraging innovation to make the care professions more attractive
  • investing in the implementation of technology in home care, which improves the quality of life for patients and their families
  • support for the development and perpetuation of caring neighbourhoods that offer care and support, in which there is cooperation between local inhabitants, authorities and frontline professionals
  • support initiatives in care homes that have a direct impact on residents’ quality of life
  • encourage collaboration and partnerships, particularly European and international, around integrated community care.

Quality of care is part of the programme Health

More information on fondsdanieldeconinck.be

Calls for projects

Multiple Sclerosis Research

Improving the quality of care and the quality of life of patients with Multiple Sclerosis and their relatives

Selection announced

Fund Claire Fauconnier & Fund Guy Sallets

Supporting research on the quality of care in multiple sclerosis

Selection announced

2022 UCB Community Health Fund - Call for Support Projects

Focus on projects addressing mental health issues of vulnerable young people (ages 15 to 24) suffering from mental health issues and those displaced due to conflict situations.

Selection announced


REMA Medical Technologies

REMA: improving medical decisions and contact between medical professionals in Africa.

Provision of improved collaboration and ongoing distance training for health professionals, through the Rema Medical Technologies platform.

Eerstelijnszone Klein-Brabant Vaartland

First-line zone Klein-Brabant Vaartland

Training for care and welfare workers as ambassadors for the implementation of targeted care in complex care situations.

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)

Single Cell Technologies Applied To Healthy Articular Cartilage Profiling

Support to the research project: 'Single Cell Technologies Applied To Healthy Articular Cartilage Profiling'

Funds and philanthropic tools

Fonds Dr. Daniël De Coninck : Transnational Forum on Integrated Community Care

Integrated community care (ICC) engages people and communities as co-producers of care.

Fonds Dr. Daniël De Coninck : Caring Technology

Caring Technology

Fund Dr. Daniël De Coninck : Health and care literacy

Health and care literacy

Press Releases

17 Funds, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, contribute to better care for patients with rare diseases

08 03 2024

KBF strengthens rare disease research and care thanks to 17 Funds

Marieke, Addicted to life – the right to die gave her the will to live

27 01 2023

This documentary about the last three years of Marieke Vervoort's life examines existential and moral questions about how we reflect on dying and living.


Marieke’s addiction to life

Quality of care

"I had my own life under control. And look, I’m still here. You’re always doing more and more because you’ve got your own life in your hands. You can say when it’s enough."
Marieke Vervoort
athlete, Paralympics Rio 2016