Census of Homeless People 2022
Census of Homeless People in 2022.

What is it about?
At the end of 2021, homelessness was mapped in Boom-Mechelen-Lier, Arrondissement Brugge, Midwest, Middenkust, (zorg) regio Kempen, Waasland, Doornik, Waals Brabant and the German-speaking community.
For a complete overview of the point-in-time counts which took place as from 2020, click here.
The point-in-time-counts were carried out by research teams from LUCAS KU Leuven and UCLouvain CIRTES, in close cooperation with the local authorities and thanks to the massive commitment of local public services and numerous associations, institutions and volunteers.
They resulted in several publications:
• a global report on the situation of homelessness in these cities and provinces;
• a local report and info sheet with data for Boom-Mechelen-Lier, Arrondissement Brugge, Midwest, Middenkust, (zorg) regio Kempen, Waasland, Germanspeaking community, Doornik and Waals Brabant.